I am not one that has ever been labeled a compulsive “neat nick”. Raising twelve children has made me tolerant of a certain level of chaos. However, when the household is in order and the cleaning is complete it gives me a sense of peace and serenity.
With that being said, you may understand the state of turmoil I find myself in at the present time.
As you may know, we are in the process of preparing our home to put on the market. For years we have been counseling sellers as to the importance of having their home ready to capture the “buyers eye”- windows must sparkle, paint must be fresh, clutter packed away and counters cleared off. Along with those items, we understand the value of updating and upgrading a home that has been on deferred status as we raised a large family. We now find ourselves recipients of our own advice and have been in the throes of remodeling and repairing and de-cluttering for weeks.
We try our best to maintain a certain level of normalcy, but the necessity of clearing out rooms and displacing personal items can be unsettling. Keeping in mind the final result and the enjoyment it will bring I resolve to embrace the change and the temporary chaos.
When things get overwhelming I resort to the age old axiom that has sufficed in the stressful life circumstances- “This too shall pass.”
Update on our grandson Michael-
This pass week Michael completed his last round of chemotherapy. We wait for the final results, in hope that the cancer is gone! Thank you for your continuing prayers.
Our best wishes to everyone sending children off to a new school year, whether it be kindergarten or college!
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