
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I like the idea of....

Some ago when I was attending a bridal shower, the bride-to-be received several kitchen items as shower gifts. One of her long-term friends remarked, “Tricia, I didn’t know you liked to cook!” Without missing a beat the bride replied, “I like the idea of cooking!” We all laughed and the moment passed.

Later as I thought about that exchange, I thought about those things in my life that I like “the idea of”

My list included:
“I like the idea of riding bareback on the seashore”
“I like the idea of kayaking”
“I like the idea of knowing the name of all the flowers, trees, and birds native to our area”
---and the list goes on and on.

In real estate, it seems we run into the same mind set. Often times a home buyer will tell us “a fireplace” is one thing I must have. They like the “idea” of sitting by the fire on a cold winter night sipping hot chocolate. On the other hand, our home sellers often remark about their fireplace, “We hardly ever use it” or “We have never used it.”The same mindset holds true for whirlpool tubs. The buyer love the idea of soaking in a luxurious bubble bath but the sellers tell us “We mostly used it for the grandkids to ‘swim’ in, or “We never use it.”

What is it that keeps us from pursing the activities we “like the idea of”? For me, I would say the lack of physical courage keeps me from riding bareback and kayaking. Activities like sitting by the fire or soaking in a bubble bath seem to fall victim to the lack of time set aside for such moments. For me, I need to be more intentional in making time for life experiences that I am drawn to.

This morning my husband and I walked in the park at dawn---I like the idea of that!