Tuesday, November 10, 2009
You, as a home owner who has owned your home for at least 5 years, or as a first time home buyer, can enjoy the opportunity to receive $6,500-$8,000 tax refund if you purchase a new home before April 30.
What this means to everyone who has been thinking of selling their home (whether it is a typical first time home or any other home of less then $800,000) - the whole buyer market for your home has been awakened! We expect buyer activity to become alive early earlier than the typical spring buying season. The bell for the buyers is ringing early.
So if you have wondered if I should wait to sell, or you have had your next home on your wish list for a while, now is the time! There is a two way benefit:
1- The buyer activity for almost any type of home has now been stirred.
2- If you are looking to buy your dream home, the incentive has been offered to give you a better level of value and savings.
Expanded Home Buyer Tax Credit Incentive
See link (in right hand column) titled New Tax Credit Info for more details!
Since our last newsletter announcing a birth of Andy’s Jameson, we have learned of our son, Matthew and daughter in law Tricia, are expecting their first, our 15th grandchild: five new grandchildren in a year. We are rich. Our continued thanks to all of you for your friendship.
Call us regarding how to take advantage of this expanded Home Buyer Tax Credit Program.
With this time of year all of us are thoughtful of our many blessings. The SNYDER & Associates Family wishes you and your families a happy Thanksgiving and peaceful holiday season filled with spiritual grace.
God bless our men and women serving in our armed forces.
A Family Deal
This past week we closed on a home for a couple moving to KC to be closer to their children and grandchild. This process is repeated through a normal year many times. We leave our homes and move for family. To go fishing together – to have a special bedroom just for the grandchildren to sleep close.
That special room carries a big gift – getting up in the morning with breakfast filling the air with delicious aroma, a loving hug and a sense of togetherness that will last a lifetime.
So the work of moving, the process of getting the economics right, to price and pay what’s fair. It’s all part of the investment in family and meeting our need to get on behalf of our loved ones, the home, really the space in our hearts, for each other. It’s all worth it.
The nice part of what we do is to briefly share those dreams with you. Yes, it’s a family deal.
God bless you. God bless our men and women who serve our country in the armed services.
In the last two days we have received 2 referrals from you.
Thank you
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Royals Update
Mind Body and Spirit Challenge
A group of approximately 450 people including people of all ages gathered at English Landing Park early on Labor Day morning to walk in support of 2 worthy causes: to help raise money for a school project in Uganda, Africa and to contribute to the Amy Roberts Medical Fund. Amy is a young wife and mother who is a member of FYC. She was diagnosed with brain cancer nearly a year ago and the medical bills have been mounting ever since. Any and her family were there to kick off the walk.
There was such a warm sense of community and unity of purpose as we gathered to start the race. Volunteers were there to help things run smoothly. Many families with little ones in strollers were there as well as grandmothers and grandfathers. When all was said and done we left with a sense we had participated in something worthwhile and meaningful.
It is encouraging to see the energy and enthusiasm of these young families as they connect with their church community and bond with one another. It is energizing to see new leadership evolve. The foundation they are building will influence families and especially their children for years to come.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
How is the Market?
Interest Rates may go up but expect them to still be low by historic comparison.
The seller’s deal is still a condition/preparation strategy. Our opinion is the market is slightly recovering but no significant avg. price change upwards is expected for 3 years. We may have as good a market/interest rates/competitive window as we will see in that time.
For the buyer’s deal, we see a continually good environment; a closing window on the $8,000 cash first time home buyer’s incentive; low interest rates and good inventory exist. There is however more competition for good homes and the seller’s know this – killer deals are fewer.
THANKS FOR YOUR REFERRALS! Check our blog and business directory at http://www.barbandwayne.com/.
With the RE/MAX network we can help your family and friends find the best REALTORS anywhere in the country or overseas. A home, farm or commercial building all apply. Let us help you find a trusted REALTOR. Call us first!
Laura and Todd found out they are having a BOY! That’s SIX ‘GRANDBOYS’ in a row.
GOD BLESS our armed services men and women.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Okay Royals, I give in
Root for the home team and the small victories. I just wonder if current management has the ability and license to represent another and different approach to the game just because a year has passed or a different squad is on the field. Not very hopeful.
Since current management is not a given, the base of ability we have in starting pitching, closer and a couple of hitters does offer some hope. GO ROYAlS.
Monday, August 24, 2009
The market has come roaring back! Thanks to you, your referrals and the effort from the Snyder Team, yes. 19 homes in 3 months. Here they are:
6520 Claret Ct. Parkville, MO 64152
19 Groom St Liberty, MO 64068
7716 N Nodaway Ave Kansas City, MO 64152
6519 NW Hilldale Dr. Kansas City, MO 64151
421 NE 90th Ter. Kansas City, MO
5785 SW Lakewood Ct Plattsburg, MO 64477
6716 N Camden Ct Kansas City, MO 64151
6716 N Camden Ct Kansas City, MO 64151
7506 N Lewis Avenue Kansas City, MO 64158
322 N Jackson Kansas City, MO 64123
7509 N. McKinely Kansas City, MO 64158
6109 NW 51st Ter. Kansas City, MO 64151
9010 NW Hamilton Kansas City, MO
12855 S Gallery Olathe, KS 66062
16001 Bluejacket St. Overland Park, KS 66062
8615 N Donnelly Ave Kansas City, MO 64157
7610 Avalon St Kansas City, MO 64152
5725 N London Ave Kansas City, MO 64151
8547 N Gower Kansas City, MO 64154
Each of these addresses represents a dream come true. The effort for staging, marketing, negotiations and financial compliance all becomes but a distant memory when its done. It feels good.
It's smart for the buyer to be out now - low interest rates - lots of inventory/choice. First time home buyer incentive of up to $8000 cash.
AS A SELLER, if you stage properly, price intelligently the market traffic will search you out. Believe us - the distress of the market is reflected in the bad condition and poor care of many of the homes - YOU CAN STAND OUT - we will help you.
Finally we appreciate your referrals -
Here is a letter from one of our wonderful clients.
We just wanted to let know that we appreciate the way you sold our house.
We thought 90 to 120 would be a reasonable time. But 30 days was a real surprise. Also thankful for the people you had to make the house and yard more attractive was great help.
To hear from you, how many people viewed the house and their comments.
Barbar and Wayne, Thanks again -will miss seeing you both. Excuse the stationary.
Love Jean and Frank
Who said this business has only financial rewards. Thank You Frank and Jean. Thanks to you our friends, business associates. We are thankful for our great nation and the men and women who serve us in uniform.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
With 8 sons and our son-in-law Todd competing in the family Mancillious International Golf Tournament, Jim won for the 4th straight year. If Tom can do it maybe Wayne has a chance next year. (Have to find 20 strokes). This two day 36 hole event is a wonderful bonding event for the brothers and (brother from another mother); plus Wayne .
Best of all, Matt and Kathy, our oldest, blessed us with Oliver Henry in June and Jim and Vusala gave us Joseph Ahmed in July. One more announcement, Laura and Todd join Andy and Amber in the expecting column for no. 13 and 14 grandchildren. We are so very blessed. Barb’s mom, Virginia, lives with us and is in good health and reminds us of the needs and dignity of older age.
Thanks to all of you who continue to support us with your referrals.
Our daughter Laura has joined our staff as a sales assistant support to our growing team. We are happy to report Lona Webb, joined our team last month. She left a 20 year private law practice to raise her family and now brings those skills to serve her clients and those in the legal profession with their real estate needs. She has already sold a home and assisting the sale of a second.
The real estate market continues to favor buying a home. Low interest rates, outstanding inventory are two compelling reasons to participate in maybe the best time to buy in 3 generations. If you are selling, the buyers are out there and great condition and staging plus intelligent pricing research pay off. If you want to wait to sell, consider where interest rates are going and the affect of the cap and trade thinking on real estate values due to energy use and upgrades.
We are thankful for our freedom, pray for our men and women in the service to our country and we are thankful for you our friends and business assiciates.
Monday, July 27, 2009
About the Royals and the Silver Lining
We have no problem with the Royals being a factor this year. They won't be! Their magic number is probably "68"(a guess). The winner of the central division will probably reach 87 wins(Pathetic).
Oh, about the silver lining - don't you build championships with pitching and defense? For the last decade we have hardly had an outstanding player of the game much less an outstanding phase of the game within the Royals. This year starting pitching looks great.
Believing you can add an adequate relief corps short term that leaves defense. Here is where I fault management at all levels. It seems that the lack of understanding or execution of defensive fundamentals is rampant for a pro team. Lack of a set lineup, despite the injuries, again have contributed to a general overall happy go lucky "I am not accountable" attitude. This has spread to the base coaches and rests on the shoulders of the manager. Would I fire the two base coaches and trade DeJesus and Tehan to get everybody's attention? Maybe.
Hindsight is easy. We can look back and set the lineups and pick individuals for defensive savey and not take into account offensive skills, righty, lefty etc. as there has been no exhibition of offensive skills from the team.
So again the silver lining -
I believe good teams take over at the end of the season - after the all star break. Dispite a 10 game losing streak, our strengths are better in the second half with this team. I believe our starting pitching will hold and our offense will arrive(relative to our available lineup). Last year was so much better than the past few years. I believe we have the first element of a championship team.
Add 3 "men" (hitters), get healthy, focused and away we go! We thought we had the "men" added this year and it did not happen. I would trade away our sacred cows to get to this - most likely DeJesus, Tehan or Butler or all three. No I am not nuts, I put Butler's name in there to reflect a focus on where we must be vesus any sensitivity to where we are now. Build on the pitching, add some relief and concentrate on finding 3 good men (additional hitters).
Doing nothing? Well that means the offense of the Royals will either have to wake up, get well or have career years. Not a high percentage choice in my book although - we can look at a number of $100 million payrolls without championships showing lineups we would not and should exchange with.
We are on the right track. Our hardest piece is in place with terrific young starting pitchers. We have to deal with two physical needs, hitting and relief pitching and one major mental or attitude issue - playing with focus - manager experience (maybe confidence) is weak on this last point.
So how many games will it take to win the division in 2010 - my guess is 92; 92 -94 in 2011. Our Royals can do 82 - 85; but to quote the Cub's fan "wait until 2012!"
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A Real Estate Market Update
We are selling homes. So far this year “the Barbara Snyder team” ranks 24th in the RE/MAX region compared to hundreds of teams over the 4 state region representing parts of MO, DS, OK, and AK. Again, thank you! We have time for more.
BUYERS – Best time in two generations to buy. Low interest rates, great inventory, and pricing. First time buyers - $8000 cash gift from Uncle Sam.
SELLERS – The optimism of the buyer to invest in Real Estate is translating into high interest and buyer no’s. A well priced and prepared home will have multiple buyers and sell fast. Move up sellers – you are in great shape (It’s a trade-off. Take a hit on the sale and make a big bite on your purchase).
If you are in no hurry to sell, then a 24 month delay to fix-up and prepare for sale is smart. Barb and I can assist you in the fix-up decision. Our Rule – Don’t put $1 in without more than $1 of value coming out. You can text questions to us on our text box at our website.
Here are the best returns on fix-up decisions:
-Kitchen upgrades
-Bath room upgrades
Over $400,000 sellers – consider adding granite in the kitchen (Prices are down –for example $40-43 per square ft.) Take all wall paper off if possible.
Need a handy-man? Look up your choices on our new Business Network at our website.
Website: www.barbandwayne.com
Business Directory
Text Box for questions
Copy of attached information
GO ROYALS - Thanks for being part of our REFERRAL ARMY!
Monday, April 6, 2009
David Ramsey
The inventory of homes, interest rates, incentives, foreclosures and seller attitudes make an inviting environment for the buyer.
First Time Home Buyers – The $8000 cash gift by Uncle Sam is outlined in the "Government Gives Cash to First Time Home Buyer" blog below.
Investors – Looking for rental or rehab property at a time when demand by quality renters is up.
Move-up Sellers and Buyers – Yes the market may be low – The opportunities for new and higher end properties are even greater! Want to trade a 10% discount for a 15% to 20% opportunity on more value?
GOING TO LIST? - The buyers are active right now. A well prepared home with W0W factor will sell! SNYDER and Associates provide professional home staging at our cost.
TO SERVE YOU – Our daughter Laura Snyder Belcher has joined us to serve you in Client Care and support. Barbara and Wayne, Pattie Meizis, John Burgess in Professional practice and Wendee Hawn, Licensed, in Marketing.
In Case You Were Wondering….
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail.
Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
Monday is an awful way to spend one-seventh of your life.
If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.
If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.
Visit our website and use the BUSINESS DIRECTORY at http://www.barbandwayne.com/.
GO ROYALS - Thanks for being part of our REFERRAL ARMY!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Don't Be Surprised! - 1st Time Home Buyers
The Snyder and Associate’s first time homebuyer’s session is designed to walk people through the steps involved in that process. It is our aim to help these buyers understand each step involved and to avoid any “surprises” along the way. We believe taking the time to go over this material helps the first time buyer make a better, more informed choice. Call or email me to set this session up at your convenience. Average time for this is about 45 minutes. Barb.
Topics we cover include:
Buyer’s agency
Lenders, financing, and pre-approval, incentives
Assessing their wants and needs
Price range
The home search process – internet, home tours, email, market research
Touring homes – The decision process
Making an offer – earnest money, warranties
Negotiating on your behalf
Steps from contract to close:
Title work
We typically meet with the buyers in our Platte Woods office for approximately 45 minutes to an hour depending on how many questions come up. We invite anyone who may be thinking of buying their first home to sit down with us and go over these details. We can schedule at the buyer’s convenience.
If you have any family members, neighbors or co-workers who may be thinking of purchasing their first home please let them know of this opportunity to be a better informed consumer.
Government Gives Cash to First Time Homebuyers!
Don't Tax me
Tax the Guy behind the Tree!
Do you or family members qualify for the 1st time home buyer’s tax credit of $8000? If so here are some guidelines to follow:
1. This must be your first home or 3 years since previous ownership.
2. It must be your principle residence.
3. Need to live there for 3 years.
4. Can be an R.V., houseboat, mobile home, up to a 4 plex, and still qualify.
5. $8,000 tax credit but limited to 10% of the purchase price.
6. You must purchase and move in between Jan. 1, 2009 and Dec. 1, 2009.
7. Three friends can get the $8,000 maximum on one structure but must meet the maximum combined income limits.
8. There are maximum income limits of full credit of $75,000 – 150,000 for a couple.
9. A proportionate reduction of tax credit over these income amounts until the tax credit is disallowed at 95,000 and 170,000 for a couple.
10. US based not overseas.
11. If building new – move in before Dec. 1.
12. A consignee or parent assistance is okay – as long as buyer is on the hook financially and it’s the principle residence.
13. On multiple units – the proportionate value to the 10% rule applies (but see Wayne)
14. The Tax Credit is not assignable
15. Avoid refund anticipatory loans – BEWARE
16. File for tax credit with IRS form 5405
17. You can file for the refund or credit by amending your 2008 filing or in your 2009 tax filing.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
St. Patrick's day really means blessed
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Life is Good
Man on Wire (Amazing and Intense)
Frozen River (Sad and Intense)
Barbara and I would like to see Australia - sounds good.
Favorite Videos: Dave, Groundhog Day, The Greatest Gift, The Notebook, Blues Brothers and Fireproof.
We are starting a business directory this week on our website. If you need typical services like painters, Handy-men or specialty people like locksmiths, we will try to get them on the list. If you have a business you want posted email Barb or Wayne. You can help - send us names of those you have had a good experience with and we will use your referral to let everyone know of them.
Speaking of referrals, you can help us by joining the SNYDER Referral Army. Our friends, you, are the key to expanding our services. We promise to provide the same great service and "Focus on YOU" to your family, friends and work associates. With the RE/MAX network we can get referrals for your friends selling Real Estate internationally, New York City, to a farm sale in Fargo, ND.
Have you ever owned a pick-up and found out how popular you are when your kids are moving? We laugh about our almost serious rule "Our help quota is 5 moves per kid per lifetime".
Our son Jim has published a children's "Excellent Behavior" system. This is directed toward creating a positive and fun behavior habit for your children using an Excellent Behavior Calendar, Success Stickers, and fun names for positive activities such as "Homework Hero" or "Excellent Eating". This is just released; grandparents and parents can find out more by emailing Jim at info@excellantchild.com. A more complete website is coming soon: http://www.excellentchild.com/. Seven day samples are available now just email info@excellantchild.com. We will carry the link to that website soon.
For you serious financial analysis people, the annual report for Berkshire Hathaway is on the KMBZ.com website under Business News. The Chairman's report by Warren Buffett is insightful, funny and a look inside one of the most remarkable financial stories of our century. The Report also gives serious thought to the current economic situation facing our country. The book "Snowball" by Warren Buffett not only is his story but an interesting look at history. The annual meeting for Berkshire is this Friday.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Two - SNYDER and Associates
Will wonders never cease! Last night our 3rd oldest, not to be outdone, Andy announced that he and his wife Amber, are expecting in October. That is 3 new grandchildren this coming year.
We recieved word this morning that Barbara has achieved the RE/MAX Hall of Fame award for lifetime performance in her 10 year career. Thanks to all of our wonderful clients and Referral Army for their support. We are humbled and energized for the opportunities that lie ahead.
As part of our effort to increase value to our clients and Referral Army, we are sending items of value each month to our personal data base. In addition we have added our daughter Laura (Snyder) Belcher as our assistant. She will be available on the phone to respond to your calls plus give support for our online marketing program of homes listed. Welcome Laura.
Website addresses: http://www.thefamilysnyder.com/, http://www.barbandwayne.com/, http://www.barbandwaynesnyder.com/.
The SNYDER News/Blog ONE
Yes, we will discuss the Real Estate world. You have heard that phrase "location, location, location" as the 3 most important factors in Real Estate. Well, it still applies. Your hot location areas will show significant investment in infrastructure, and commitment to long term investment. Lakes, golf courses, upscale amenities, schools, parks fit. Today they will be big bounce back areas.
The National subdivision (yes), destination developments (Yes, over time) and unique atmosphere (Briar Cliff West) will hold investment value if you enter now. All new high end developments receive a test when the next new high end development comes along. It is that bounce back capacity with continued new investments and maintenance that defines investment grade.
Check the website, http://www.nerdbots.net/. Our son Nick and his talented wife Angie are now international entrepreneurs. A front page article in the 1/11/09 STAR MAGAZINE of The Kansas City Star and a sold out exhibit at Halls on the Plaza last month. See the family of all-star Nerdbots and their very personal profiles and the local and international destinations at http://www.nerdbots.net/.
Last Thanksgiving our blessings as parents exploded in joy and surprise. Two of our adult married children announced pending new arrivals; Jim and his wife Vusala and our oldest Kathy and her husband Matt. Somehow the thrill just expands as grandchildren 11 and 12 are awaited. With John getting married to Kristen June 20 this year and 4 more unmarried we see more in the future.
Next effort, a word or two about the Mancillious International Golf Tourney and the Royals.
Till Later -